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WHOが新型コロナウイルスのパンデミックを宣言して以来、日本は変わってしまいました。覚えていますか? 夜8時以降営業自粛という意味のわからないルールのせいで、多くの飲食店が廃業に追い込まれたことを。今日もたくさんの子ども達が暑い日差しの下、マスクをして過ごしています。国が公衆衛生のためだといえば、国民はどんな理不尽にも従わなければならないという暗黙のルール(日本語では「空気」と表現されます)が、ここ数年で醸成されました。この空気の中、国会では国民の命や尊厳を脅かす法案が、慎重な審議を経ることなく決まっています。そしていつものことながら、メディアは沈黙です。


Japan has changed since the WHO pandemic declaration of COVID-19. Do you remember? Many restaurants were forced to close because of the incomprehensible rule that they could not open after 8pm. Today, many children wear masks under the hot sun. In recent years, an unspoken rule (→in Japanese, it’s often referred to as "an air" or "an atmosphere" that we breathe through) has developed in which people must obey any unreasonable rule if the government says it is for the sake of public health. In this atmosphere, bills that threaten people's lives and dignity have been passed in the Diet without careful consideration. And, as usual, the media remain silent.


新型コロナワクチン接種による死亡認定数は593名(※)。新型コロナ以外のすべてのワクチンによる死亡認定数は過去50年間で151名。3年間で約4倍が亡くなったことになります。国はまずmRNAワクチンの接種を中止すること、そして薬害を認め死亡者激増の説明をすることが求められるはずですが、実情は全く逆です。レプリコンワクチン(→自己複製ワクチン)と呼ばれる新しいタイプのmRNAワクチン開発を推し進め、今年9月から接種が開始される予定です。※予防接種被害救済制度の認定数(厚生労働省発表 令和6年5月20日現在)


The number of certified deaths due to vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine is 593*. The number of certified deaths due to all vaccines other than COVID-19 in the last 50 years is 151, which means that about four times as many people have died in three years. The government should first stop mRNA vaccination, then admit the harm caused by the drug and explain the drastic increase in deaths, but the actual situation is quite the opposite. The government is pushing ahead with the development of a new type of mRNA vaccine, called the Replicon vaccine (→self-replicating vaccines), and vaccination is due to begin in September this year. * The number of cases certified under the Vaccine Damage Relief System (as of 20 May 2024, according to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare).




Japan has suffered genocide twice before, the first time in Hiroshima and the second in Nagasaki. The third time was with mRNA biological weapons. An unproven vaccine is about to be administered in large doses to the Japanese people. It is the Japanese government that is pulling the trigger. Vaccines are supposed to be tested on monkeys before being given to humans, but the Replicon vaccine has not been tested on monkeys. The lives of Japanese people are cheaper than those of monkeys (not that we wish to insult the monkeys). What else can we call this government’s policy of deserting its own people in despair other than “people abandonment”?




On 1 June, WHO revised the International Health Regulations (IHR). In the next pandemic, the WHO will have more authority than national governments. In response, Japan has passed an amendment to the Local Autonomy Law that allows the national government to command local governments in the event of an infectious disease outbreak and is debating a constitutional amendment that would include an emergency clause. Our freedom and human rights can be curtailed at any time at the whim of the state or the WHO.




We can no longer remain silent. We will raise our voices as a national movement, without political affiliation, ideological beliefs, or divisions, hand over a just society to the next generation. Many people in Tokyo have already raised their voices during the Ikebukuro protest march on 13 April and the Hibiya Rally on 31 May. Now is the time to send out a message of valuing & protecting LIFE from Hiroshima, a very city recognized as a symbol of PEACE. Please join forces with many people and make this demonstration a success. Thank you in advance.


命と尊厳を守る国民運動 実行委員長 西原昌伸


National Movement for the Protection of Life and Dignity

Chairman of the Executive Committee Masanobu Nishihara

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